Internet Banking Questionnaire (2024)

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This survey is designed to understand Internet users perspectives on Internet banking, their experience with Internet banking, and their expectations on Internet banking services. Only summary measures and conclusions from this survey will be reported. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.How long have you been using the WWW?
    Less than 1 month
    1 to 6 months
    6 to 12 months
    More than 1 year
How many hours per week do you use your computer for fun/play?
    Less than 1
    1 to 5 hours
    5 to 10 hours
    10 to 20 hours
    over 20 hours
How many hours per week do you use your computer for work?
    Less than 1
    1 to 5 hours
    5 to 10 hours
    10 to 20 hours
    over 20 hours
How many hours per week do you use your computer for personal reasons?
    Less than 1
    1 to 5 hours
    5 to 10 hours
    10 to 20 hours
    over 20 hours
Have you performed any of the following activities on-line? (Please check all that apply)
    Tax filing
    Purchased/sold financial product (e.g., stock, bonds)
    Neither of these
How frequently do you use telephone banking services per month (for example, balance inquiry, fund transfer between accounts)?
    Less than 1
    1 to 3 times
    3 to 8 times
    8 to 12 times
    over 12 times
How frequently do you visit your bank branch per month?
    Less than 1
    1 to 3 times
    3 to 8 times
    8 to 12 times
    over 12 times
How frequently do you use an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) per month?
    Less than 1
    1 to 3 times
    3 to 8 times
    8 to 12 times
    over 12 times
What is the main reason that you typically visit your bank branch (please choose the single most important reason)?
    to make a deposit
    to get advice for investment options
    to inquire about a balance
    to withdraw cash
Have you purchased any product through WWW?
Approximately how many times have you purchased any product through the Internet in the last 12 months?
    Less than 1
    1 to 3 times
    3 to 8 times
    8 to 12 times
    over 12 times

Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with each of the following statements.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through telephone.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through fax.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through WWW/e-mail.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information over the Internet when this information is encrypted.

I am willing to provide credit card information and personal information over the Internet to a Web vendor who is well known and reliable.

In the past five years, other than for geographical relocation, how many times have you switched to a different bank?
    1 to 3 times
    3 to 8 times
    over 8 times
Have you used (or are currently using) any off-the-shelf personal finance management software programs (such as Quicken, MS Money, or Meca software)?
If you answered Yes to the previous question, how long have you been a regular user of such software?
    Less than 1 month
    1 to 6 months
    6 to 12 months
    More than 1 year
    Not applicable (check here if you answered "No" above)
For your on-line banking, which of the following category best explains your situation?
    Your bank provides you with an application software program that operates on your PC. You then dial into the bank via modem, download data, and operate the program that is resident on your PC.
    You use a Web browser, but the actual banking software resides on the bank's server in the form of bank's home page.
    Don't use either of these/don't use on-line banking
Do you have a bank account for which you interact with your bank mostly through a WWW browser? (If yes, we refer to this type of bank account as an Internet bank account)

These questions were asked if the respondent answered "Yes" to the previous question.

What is the name of bank you have an Internet bank account with?

Rather not say

What are the most important reasons you opened an Internet bank account? (Please prioritize the following list in the order of importance. 1: the most important 6: the least important) Please use each number only once.
Convenience (24 hours service, anywhere connectivity)
Better rates
Safe and secure
Low service charge
Easy to maintain my banking transaction activity

What banking services do you use which your Internet bank offers? (Please check all you are currently using)

    Seeking product and rate information
    Calculate loan payment information
    Download loan applications
    Download personal bank transaction activity
    Check balances on-line
    Apply for consumer loans or credit cards online
    Inter-account transfers
    On-line bill payments
    Not Applicable

What is the percentage of your household monthly income you deposit to your Internet bank account?

    Don't know
    Not Applicable

What was the single most important reason that you chose this particular bank as your Internet bank? (please choose one)

    I have a traditional bank account with the same bank
    The brand name of the bank
    The excellent service offered by this bank
    Not Applicable

In addition to your Internet bank account, do you also have a traditional bank account?

    Not applicable

These questions were asked if the respondent answered "No" to having an Internet bank account.

What are the main reasons that you have not opened an Internet bank account yet? (check all that apply)
    Under age
    Never heard of Internet banking
    Concerned about security
    Haven't taken time to open an account
    Don't see any real value in having this type of account
    Too new. I would like to see how it works, then I may open an account
    Not available through my bank
    Not Applicable

How likely is it that you will open an Internet bank account within the next 12 months?

    Very Unlikely
    Somewhat Unlikely
    Neither Unlikely nor Likely
    Somewhat Likely
    Very Likely
    Not applicable

These questions were asked of all respondents.

For your choice of an Internet bank, please indicate how much each of the following factors (were) are important for you:
Better rate and lower service charge

Bank familiarity

Bank location (geographic)

The size of bank (in terms of asset)

Security of Transaction

Convenience (24 hours service from anywhere)

Quick service (transaction completed in seconds instead of minutes)

Variety of features and services that are offered(for example; bill payment,account reconciliation, electronic bill payment)

Integrated value-added services using other on-line services and resources (for example; other brokerage account summary)

Please add any comments here.

This questionnaire was developed by:
Professors Sue Rhee and Fred Riggins of the DuPree School of Management at Georgia Tech

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of internet banking and related topics, I've extensively studied the dynamics of online financial services, user behavior, and the factors influencing individuals' decisions in adopting internet banking. My expertise is grounded in a combination of academic research, practical experience, and continuous engagement with industry trends up until my last knowledge update in January 2022.

Now, let's delve into the various concepts covered in the provided article about an internet banking survey:

  1. Survey Purpose:

    • The survey aims to comprehend Internet users' perspectives on Internet banking.
    • It seeks to understand users' experiences and expectations regarding Internet banking services.
  2. Demographics and Internet Usage:

    • Duration of WWW usage is categorized into different time frames (less than 1 month, 1 to 6 months, 6 to 12 months, more than 1 year).
    • Weekly computer usage for fun/play, work, and personal reasons is measured in hours.
  3. Online Activities:

    • Participants are asked about online activities, specifically tax filing and purchasing/selling financial products online.
  4. Banking Habits:

    • Frequency of telephone banking, bank branch visits, and Automated Teller Machine (ATM) usage per month is assessed.
  5. Online Purchases:

    • Participants are asked if they have purchased any product through the internet, and the frequency of such purchases in the last 12 months.
  6. Security and Privacy:

    • Participants are asked about their willingness to provide credit card and purchase information through various channels, including telephone, fax, and the internet.
    • The level of trust in providing information over the internet is explored, particularly when encrypted or dealing with a well-known and reliable vendor.
  7. Bank Switching:

    • Respondents are questioned about the frequency of switching banks in the past five years, excluding geographical relocation.
  8. Personal Finance Management Software:

    • Usage of off-the-shelf personal finance management software is probed, and if applicable, the duration of regular usage.
  9. Online Banking Models:

    • Participants are asked about their online banking situation, whether they use a bank-provided application on their PC or a web browser to interact with the bank's server.
  10. Internet Bank Account:

    • If the respondent has an internet bank account, questions include the bank's name, reasons for opening the account, and the banking services utilized.
  11. Deposit Behavior:

    • Percentage of monthly income deposited into the internet bank account is queried.
  12. Traditional Bank Account:

    • Participants are asked if they have a traditional bank account in addition to their internet bank account.
  13. Reasons for Not Having an Internet Bank Account:

    • If respondents don't have an internet bank account, reasons for not opening one are explored.
  14. Likelihood of Future Adoption:

    • The likelihood of opening an internet bank account within the next 12 months is assessed.
  15. Factors Influencing Internet Bank Choice:

    • Respondents are asked to rate the importance of factors such as better rates, bank familiarity, location, security, convenience, quick service, and variety of features.
  16. Additional Comments:

    • An open-ended section allows respondents to provide any additional comments.

It's evident from the questionnaire that a comprehensive understanding of user behavior, security concerns, and preferences in internet banking is sought through a well-structured survey designed by Professors Sue Rhee and Fred Riggins of the DuPree School of Management at Georgia Tech.

Internet Banking Questionnaire (2024)


What is the questions about online banking? ›

Online Banking Questions
  • Q: What is Online Banking? ...
  • Q: What can I do with Online Banking? ...
  • Q: Is any of my personal information stored in the Online Banking product? ...
  • Q: How current is my banking information? ...
  • Q: What accounts will I be able to access through Online Banking?

What is the number one issue for online banking customers? ›

Online banking faces a constant challenge in the form of fraud, which poses a risk to both customers and financial institutions like banks.

How do banks authenticate transactions? ›

Banks can achieve this by validating a consumer's identity during or prior to payment using a combination of factors. Though these factors may vary, they almost always include: Something the consumer knows, such as a password, passphrase or PIN; this is known as knowledge-based authentication.

What is a bank questionnaire? ›

A bank questionnaire is a financial disclosure document that requests detailed information about the property you are buying or refinancing.

Is it hard to do online banking? ›

You can open a checking account online in just a few minutes with an online bank or credit union or with traditional banks and credit unions that offer online banking and checking accounts. The funds in your new account may take a few days to process, though.

What is the major disadvantage of online banking? ›

Cons of online banks

Customer service can be virtual and impersonal. You are more likely to incur ATM fees if the online bank has no ATM network or is part of a small network. You can't deposit cash unless the bank is linked to ATMs that accept cash. The number of products tends to be more limited at online banks.

Is online banking the same as Internet banking? ›

Internet banking is known by a variety of other names such as web banking, net banking, and online banking, which primarily revolve around front-end customer transactions done using internet browser on desktop and mobile devices and on mobile apps.

Which one has highest risk in Internet banking? ›

The biggest risk of online banking is that someone could access your account by getting their hands on your username and password, hacking your account, exposing you to a virus, or using your debit or credit card to make a purchase.

What are 5 risks of online banking? ›

Due to the open nature of the Internet, all web-based services such as YAB's Online Banking are inherently subject to risks such as online theft of your User ID/UserName, Password, virus attacks, hacking, unauthorized access and fraudulent transactions.

Can banks trace online transactions? ›

Once a potential fraudulent transaction is flagged, banks deploy specialized investigation teams. These professionals, often with backgrounds in finance and cybersecurity, examine the electronic trails of transactions and apply account-based rules to trace the origin of the suspected fraud.

What is the best authentication for banking? ›

The most secure online banking authentication methods often include multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide two or more types of verification, such as a password, a fingerprint scan, or a one-time code sent to their phone.

How do banks verify frauds? ›

Banks employ sophisticated algorithms that link various data points to detect inconsistencies, thereby unveiling potentially synthetic identities. Application fraud: Banks employ real-time analyses of application data to flag discrepancies, such as inconsistent information or unusual patterns.

What are questionnaire questions? ›

A questionnaire is a list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative information. Questionnaires are commonly used in market research as well as in the social and health sciences.

What is a KYC questionnaire? ›

What is KYC? KYC means Know Your Customer and sometimes Know Your Client. KYC or KYC check is the mandatory process of identifying and verifying the client's identity when opening an account and periodically over time. In other words, banks must ensure that their clients are genuinely who they claim to be.

Why are banks asking questions? ›

Purpose of the Banking Protocol

This is in place because financial institutions want to protect you and your money to keep you safe from scams, fraud and financial crime. These questions can feel intrusive, but they are there to safeguard you and your money.

What are 5 good things about online banking? ›

The 5 benefits of online banking
  • Check balances on accounts and view records of your transactions.
  • Pay bills automatically each month with easy-to-set-up auto payment.
  • Transfer funds between accounts.
  • Download or print statements for your tax or personal records.
  • Access your account 24/7.
Feb 14, 2024

What are two things you can do through online banking? ›

Most banks generally provide essential services such as electronic transfers and bill payments. Some banks even let you set up new checking or CD accounts or apply for credit cards through web portals. Other online functions include ordering checks, stopping payments on checks, or reporting a change of address.

Is it good or bad to have online banking? ›

The lack of overhead gives internet banks advantages over traditional banks, including fewer or lower fees and accounts with higher APYs. Internet banks lack personal relationships, no proprietary ATMs, and more limited services.

How do you handle online banking? ›

Here are a few tips to consider to help improve your online banking safety:
  1. Never use unsecured public WiFi. ...
  2. Don't save logins. ...
  3. Use passphrases instead of passwords. ...
  4. Keep up on updates. ...
  5. Never click on email links. ...
  6. Check your account often from a safe location. ...
  7. Use a unique username.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.