Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (2024)

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Eggnog Scones – these soft and lightly spiced scones are loaded with cinnamon chips, and drizzled with eggnog glaze. Perfect scones for the holidays!

I just love making baked goods this time of year. Not only do quick breads and cookies warm up the kitchen and fill the house with lovely aromas, they bring smiles to all my family and friends who get to try them!

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (1)

Eggnog has made its appearance on grocery store shelves, and for me that means baking with eggnog. That’s right. I don’t like to drink eggnog, but I sure do like to cook with it!

One of my very favorite recipes featuring eggnog is my Cranberry Eggnog Bread. That stuff is divine! I decided to experiment with one of my scone recipes, and Eggnog Cinnamon Scones were the yummy results.

These scones are nice and tender and full of yummy cinnamon chips. The nutmeg boosts the eggnog flavor, so don’t leave it out. Unless you hate eggnog. In which case you probably shouldn’t be making these in the first place. 😉

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (2)


Ingredients needed:

  • all purpose flour (I used unbleached, but that’s a matter of preference.)
  • sugar (regular granulated white sugar)
  • salt
  • baking powder
  • ground nutmeg
  • ground cinnamon
  • butter (It needs to be very cold.)
  • cinnamon chips (sometimes only available seasonally, but you can find them online)
  • egg
  • vanilla extract
  • eggnog (commercially prepared, found on the refrigerated dairy isle)
  • milk
  • powdered sugar

First up you are going to whisk together your dry ingredients in a large bowl. Next you need to add your butter. I like to grate mine in, but you can also use a pastry blender if you prefer. When the butter is in pieces about the size of peas, stir in the cinnamon chips.

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (4)

In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, vanilla, and eggnog. Gently stir into the dry ingredients till flour is just moistened. Knead gently till the dough comes together into a ball.

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (5)

Divide dough in half. Press each half into a circle about 3/4 inch thick. Each circle should be about 6 1/2″ across. Cut each circle into 6 wedges. Place on lightly greased cookie sheets about an inch apart. Brush each scone with milk.

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (6)

Bake at 425° for about 15 minutes or till lightly browned. Drizzle with glaze while still warm.

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (7)

How to store leftover scones:

If you happen to have any scones left, they will last for 2-3 days at room temperature if stored in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap. They also freeze well.

I like to freeze mine in heavy duty ziplock freezer bags. They last for 3-4 months in the freezer. Just zap them in the microwave for about 30 seconds for a yummy breakfast treat or snack. Delish!


-Make sure your butter is cold for the flakiest scones.

-Eggnog tends to stick to the measuring cup, so scrape it out with a rubber spatula. You need all of it or your dough will be dry and hard to press together.

-Use a light touch when making biscuits and scones. Too much mixing leads to a final product that is tough instead of soft.

-To get pretty, even drizzle lines, pour the glaze into a small ziplock bag. Snip the corner and drizzle onto the scones. Much easier to control than using a spoon or fork!


-Instead of drizzling with glaze, sprinkle the scones with cinnamon sugar instead. After brushing the tops of the unbaked scones with milk, sprinkle with a mixture of 2 Tbsp sugar + 1 tsp cinnamon.

-If you can’t find cinnamon baking chips, you can try substituting butterscotch or caramel flavored baking chips instead.

-Use craisins or dried cherries in place of the cinnamon chips.

We love these scones best served warm, but they are still tasty at room temperature. Of course they are perfect with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, but if you really love eggnog, try them with a glass of eggnog!

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (8)



  • Pistachio Sugar Cookie Bars
  • Jan Hagel (Cinnamon Sugar Bars)
  • White Chocolate Cherry Shortbread Cookies
  • Creamy White Christmas Punch

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones

Yield: 1 dozen

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones

Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (9)

Soft scones flavored with eggnog, loaded with cinnamon chips, and drizzled with glaze. A perfect holiday scone!

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time15 minutes

Total Time35 minutes


  • 2 3/4 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup cold butter
  • 1 1/2 cups cinnamon chips
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3/4 cup eggnog
  • 1 Tbsp milk (for brushing on top)


  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 4 tsp eggnog (more or less)
  • dash of nutmeg


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Spray baking sheets with non stick spray, or line with silicone liners; set aside.
  2. Whisk together flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, nutmeg, and cinnamon in a large bowl.
  3. Grate in the cold butter. (or cut it in with a pastry cutter) Stir in the cinnamon chips.
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, vanilla, and eggnog. Gently stir into the dry ingredients till just moistened . Knead gently till dough comes together.
  5. Divide dough in half. On a lightly floured counter, press each half into a 6 1/2" circle about 3/4" thick. Cut each circle into 6 wedges.
  6. Place scones on lightly greased cookie sheets about an inch apart. Brush each scone with milk. Bake at 425° for about 15 minutes or till lightly browned.
  7. For glaze: whisk together all ingredients in a small bowl, adding enough eggnog till it is about the consistency of very heavy cream. Drizzle over warm scones.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 381Total Fat: 18gSaturated Fat: 10gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 46mgSodium: 298mgCarbohydrates: 51gNet Carbohydrates: 0gFiber: 1gSugar: 28gSugar Alcohols: 0gProtein: 5g

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(originally published 11/17/2013, updated December 2019)


Cinnamon Eggnog Scones Recipe - Creations by Kara (2024)


How do you make scones rise and not spread? ›

Try placing your scones closer together on the tray as this forces them to rise upwards and not outwards.

What is the best raising agent for scones and why? ›

A final crucial ingredient in scones is some sort of leavening agent such as baking powder. Be sure to sieve this into the mixture evenly for a better chance of an even rise. In the oven, these leavening agents will react and form carbon dioxide, a gas.

Can you freeze scone dough? ›

By freezing scone dough or biscuit dough prior to baking, several nice things happen. Freezing the dough prior to baking keeps the butter solid and firm, which helps create light and tender scones and biscuits.

What is the secret to making scones rise? ›

Much like cinnamon rolls, arranging your scones side by side, just touching one another, helps in making the scones rise evenly, and higher.

What is the best raising agent for a scone? ›

The two come in combination as bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) is an alkaline and needs the addition of an acid, such as cream of tartar, to create the carbon dioxide that causes the scones to rise. The amount of cream of tartar - 4 1/2 teaspoons - is correct.

What type of flour is best for scones? ›

Use all-purpose flour for a higher rising scone that holds its shape nicely, both in and out of the oven. To make more delicate, lower-rising, cake-like scones, substitute cake flour for all-purpose flour. Reduce the liquid in the recipe by 1 to 2 tablespoons, using just enough to bring the dough together.

Is heavy cream or buttermilk better for scones? ›

Heavy Cream or Buttermilk: For the best tasting pastries, stick with a thick liquid such as heavy cream or buttermilk. I usually use heavy cream, but if you want a slightly tangy flavor, use buttermilk.

Should I refrigerate scone dough before baking? ›

Refrigerate your dough overnight for more symmetrical and attractive pastries. Recipes for scones sometimes provide a make-ahead option that involves refrigerating the dough overnight so it can simply be shaped and then popped into the oven the next day.

Should you chill scone dough before baking? ›

As previously mentioned, it's crucial to keep the dough cold so that the butter doesn't melt before the scones are baked. Using cold ingredients helps, but your hands can warm up the dough when you're working with it. For extra precaution, it helps to chill the dough again before it's baked.

Should you rest scones before baking? ›

The resting of the dough helps to relax the dough so everything remains tender, if you kneaded the dough and baked the scones immediately the insides would be great but the outsides would be tough and chewy.

How do I stop my scones from spreading? ›

Pack the scones closely on the baking tray so they will support each other as they rise rather than spreading. Make scones the day you need them – they taste far better warm.

Why did my scones spread instead of rising? ›

The most likely reason I can think of is that you omitted the leavening, or what you used was flat. Another reason might be that your dough was too warm when you baked it, so it spread more while baking. Of course, scones are not yeast products, so they shouldn't rise as much as bread would.

Why do my scones spread out when baking? ›

Are you greasing your baking sheets? Don't do that. Scones tend to spread if you set them on greased sheets. Turn to parchment paper or a baking mat instead.

Why do my scones always spread? ›

My scones have spread and lost their shape

The mixture may have been too wet or the baking tray might have been too heavily greased. Twisting the cutter when cutting the scones can also have this effect.

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